
Add custom metadata

Simply register custom metadata with a single function call.

Add custom metadata to findings


registerMetadataGetter(metadata: (() => Record<string, unknown> | Promise<Record<string, unknown>>)) => number

Register a custom metadata getter. This function is used to provide custom metadata to the SDK. The getter is called every time a finding is created and the returned data is added to the custom field of the finding's metadata.

You may register more than one getter in your function, and all of them will be called and their data will be merged.

🚨 Make sure that the getter returns data with unique keys or that all data is stored in one unique top-level key, since the companion will flat-merge the data from all registered getters.


unregisterMetadataGetter(handle: number) => boolean

Unregister a custom metadata getter. May be used when i.e. leaving a page or when a component in react is re-rendered.


To look at a specific example, you should definitely check out the official npm package.


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