
Building blocks

Understand what components make up stagewise and how these components interoperate with your projects.

stagewise consists of two components: The web-app and the companion.


This is where your management of deployments and related findings happens. In the stagewise app you can inspect and manage your projects, teams and whiteboards.

Need to add a member to your project? The app is the place to go.

The Companion

The companion is your review assistant and best friend. 🤝🏽 It's an overlay for your web page that enables you and your team to place feedback anywhere.

🚨 There are mainly two ways of integrating the companion:

The extension augments the functionality of the companion, e.g. by giving you the ability to take screenshots.

The way of integrating the companion totally depends on your use case:

  • Do you want to revolutionize the issue-management of your team on live-products?

  • Does your company offer a SaaS-product that has non-technical stakeholders?

The browser extension is your method of choice. The extension will enable everybody to send feedback about live-products to the dev-team blazingly fast. ⚡️

  • Are you working in an agency and want to retrieve client feedback about the developed and deployed version of your designs?

  • Do you want to engage beta users to leave feedback on your landing page?

You would likely want to integrate the companion via script tag. That way it will be available to everyone visiting your url.

🔔 Keep in mind: Using the extension gives you more functionalities.


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